My Travel World
To manage your desired targets, select a category from the selection menu. Add desired targets in category countries: Expand the category "Desired country targets" and click on "Add country" Select a country from the list. The list of countries contains only this countries that you don't have visited. Now the country is added to the list. Add desired targets in category cities: Expand the category "Desired city targets" and click on "Add city" Enter the name of the city and click on "Search" icon. Select a city from the list on the top of the window and than the city with the coordinates in the list on the bottom and click "OK" to take over the city and coordinates. If the switch "Take over name" activated, the name of the selected entry will be used. Click on "OK" to close the window and take over the city and the coordinates. Now select the matching country from the list. Click on "OK" to close the windows. The new city are added to the list. Add desired targets in category island: Do the same procedure like on city targets. Add desired targets in category POI: Do the same procedure like on city targets. Remove an entry form the list of desired targets: To remove an entry from the list of desired targets (country, city, island or POI), select an entry from the list with a double click or click on the right side on the edit icon. Deselect the check box "Add to desired targets". The entry will not deleted. It is only removed form the list. If you have visited an entry from the list of desired targets, edit this entry, select the check box "Visited" and deselect the check box "Add to desired targets". |