
Contract Manager


To get an overview of all contracts, select menu => extras => List of all contracts

This window will be open.

Now you can sort the list by a click on the headline.

Show all contracts

Show contracts with revenues

Show contracts with expenses

Reload all contracts

Print all contracts

Copy all contracts to clipboard

Export all contracts as CSV file

Export all contracts as Excel® XLSX file

Print all contracts

Here you can pint all contracts. For more information read chapter "Printing".

If you want to process the contracts in an external program (Excel®, Numbers®, LibreOffice or similar application), you can quickly copy all the data into the clipboard and paste in the application of your choice. The columns and lines are, of course, taken over.

Example: Microsoft Excel®

Export all data to a CSV file.

You can choose which field should be exported. You can move the existing fields from left to right via «Drag and drop». With "Export all fields" all fields can be acquired at once to export. As well, all of the export fields deleted with a click on "Remove all fields".

To export of the complete data, you can use the export function from the menu. Further details, see the chapter "Export as CSV file".

If you would export all contracts as Excel® XLSX file, click on the XLSX icon.